Our Worship
Our worship consists of prayer, singing, giving, preaching, and partaking of the Lord’s Supper.
Singing, Giving, Preaching, and Partaking of the Lord’s Supper.
Whether you’re a spiritual seeker who’s just starting to ask questions about God, or a committed Christian who wants to grow in your faith, you can find a home here at Goodman Oaks Church of Christ.

Biblical Preaching
As in many churches, another part of our service is the sermon or the message. Our sermons are Biblical, filled with a practical application, and relevant to today’s fast-paced society. We live stream and video record our Sunday morning service at 10AM each week. These can be accessed by clicking on the Live Stream and Sermons tabs at the top of the page.
God has been good to us so we gather each Sunday and praise Him together! In seeking to worship God in accordance with what is written in the New Testament, we find that in each passage where the subject of music in the worship of the church is addressed the command is to “sing”. Therefore we sing from our hearts without the use of mechanical instruments.
In Acts 2:42 we are told that the early Christians continued steadfast in the teachings of the apostles, in fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. God longs for us to pray to Him and we believe very strongly in the power and effectiveness of prayer.
The Lord’s Supper
This memorial was established by Jesus on the night he was betrayed (Matthew 26:26-28). Jesus said we are to do this in memory of Him (1 Cor. 11:24-25). The elements of the Lord’s Supper are unleavened bread and fruit of the vine. In our effort to follow the New Testament as closely as we know how we find that the early Christians came together on the first day of the week to break bread (Acts 20:7). Thus, this memorial feast is a part of our worship each Sunday.
In I Corinthians 16:2, Paul instructed the church to lay aside money on the first day of the week so that there would be funds available when he came to help needy people elsewhere. In II Corinthians 9:7 Paul also told them they should determine what they would give and to do so with a cheerful heart. Our members give back from what God has given them but we do not expect our visitors to give. You bless us with your presence and we hope to be a blessing to you as well.
With our funds we help support mission work around the world and assist needy individuals in our local area. We view this as the sole responsibility of our membership and do not expect our guests to give.