Who We Are
A Church Where No One Walks Alone
Goodman Oaks has a saying that you may hear or read at our church: Where No One Walks Alone. But this is more than a saying or tagline. It is an integral part of who we are and who we want to be. As a matter of fact, this saying arose naturally from a Sunday worship service.
At the end of worship one Sunday many years ago, one of our members named Tim walked down the aisle to the front pew. Many brothers and sisters came down the aisle right behind Tim to show their love and support for him, surrounding him with touches of love and hugs of affection. Tim, like many of us, had his share of struggles in life so when the church saw him walking to the front, they walked with him!
But you probably can’t imagine what happened after that: Tim walked up to the microphone and to everyone’s surprise said, “I just came forward to lead the closing prayer!” But it was what Tim said next that touched every heart. He said, “This is a church where no one walks alone.”
“A Church Where No One Walks Alone”
is both who we are and who we want to be.
There is rarely an occasion where someone comes before the church for prayer or baptism and is not surrounded by a cloud of brothers and sisters, present witnesses, who are ready to show love and support.
“A Church Where No One Walks Alone” is both who we are and who we want to be. That is, there is a natural, organic element to our church that values each other like family members. At the same time, we realize we must be intentional to develop this camaraderie and fellowship.
To that end, with much prayer and consideration, we have developed a vision that encompasses four values that are important to us.

Our church logo represents the four values that are important to us:
Connection – like the stems of the leaves
Outreach – like the direction of the leaves
Diversity – like the color of the leaves
Unity – together the leaves form a cross
Our Vision and Values
Goodman Oaks values forming diverse, life-changing, supportive relationships through heartfelt, engaged worship by all, biblical teaching and studying, frequent and meaningful fellowship, and community outreach and service where each member feels engaged, fulfilled, and purposefully connected to the body of Christ.
Goodman Oaks understands we are a reflection and extension of the community in which we live and work and therefore a strong connection and presence serves all those around us in love. We seek opportunities to show hospitality to our community in our facilities outside of worship by providing for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. This allows us to love our neighbor as ourselves by seeing ourselves in our neighbor. We bridge the gap of the imaginary walls that seem to separate us by creating opportunities for bringing others to Christ.
Goodman Oaks is inclusive of all people. We recognize that no one person can understand things from all perspectives and therefore, we seek connection to others from all areas and backgrounds because all are made in God’s image. Regardless of their talents, gifts, handicaps, age, gender, or race, we are united in the truth of Scripture, the communion of the saints, and the call to discipleship.
Organizational Unity
Goodman Oaks structures leadership, ministries, and missions to enhance communication with the church, promote discipleship, and nourish relationships. Future leaders are developed by being empowered in the present with clear roles and responsibilities. Ministry opportunities and their responsibilities are clearly communicated to all members. Ministries, classes, and events promote unity in the body, display the love of Christ to the community, and foster growth between generations.