Youth Ministry Programs
The Goodman Oaks Youth Group is focused on our 6th-12th grade teens. We meet on Sunday mornings for Bible Class and we have a midweek Bible Study/Devotional on Wednesday’s.
Sunday Night Small Groups
We also meet regularly throughout the school year on Sunday nights for small groups. Below is a list of some of the major events that we do throughout the year.

Area Wide Youth Devotionals
We meet with several Churches of Christ in North Mississippi, on the first Sunday night of the month, during the School Year. We rotate between each congregation. We share of meal together and also have a time of worship. Each area wide ranges in number between 60 and 100 teens.
Teen Small Groups
Sardis Lake Christian Camp
The highlight of the year for most of our teens is Church camp. Goodman Oaks has been a part of Sardis Lake Christian Camp for many years. Our session of camp is the first week (session) of the summer.
Mission Trips
Days of Service
Our mission trips focus on going out to different parts of the country or the world. Our Days of Service Project focuses on our community and the members of our congregation. We seek out work projects that we can help with in and around our community and within our congregation. Most of this work consists of yard work but the real work is done in the encouragement that is given to the members of our community and our congregation.